News Articles - David's Australian Tour 2002
The Interview / David Cassidy
It will be interesting to see what happens when I come back because it's been so long since I've been there. I don't know what to expect. The Interview / David Cassidy from Adelaide, November 16, 2002.
My View
A review by Karen Milliner of the Brisbane concert on My view : From the moment DC bounded on to the stage - no longer with those famous long, shaggy locks, but still thin-hipped with a come-hither grin - women leapt from their seats and dashed to the front to get close to him. They grabbed his legs and his thighs.
Women wide-eyed with Wonder
A review by Janet Fife-Yeomans on the Wollongong concert. "Age may have tempered that terrible heart-wrenching longing that we had for Cassidy as young girls, but not the wide-eyed wonder, which was still there on the faces of the women gazing up at the stage." Article published on The Australian, dated November 11, 2002.
The Teen Idol Who Grew Up
The Weekend Herald Sun, Saturday November 9, 2002 : When the first, golden chapter of Cassidy's impossible career ground to a halt - still in the '70s, and partly because he wanted it to - we were still in touch, and I watched him struggle.
David Cassidy - Beat Magazine
He finds having the chance to tour again "liberating". I'd been there, but hadn't seen anything. I'm looking forward to the experience, to come back and to spend some time and see the country". Like a proud dad, he's enthusiastic about the show he'll be presenting on this tour; "it's extremely high energy, a love-fest, a celebration. Come out and heal with me, celebrate the fact that we have this life and this freedom. It's a great thing." Read this entire interview with David by Kerrie Hickin on Beat Magazine, Australia.
The Cup's Jet Stream
The Age, November 6, 2002 : Yesterday's Melbourne Cup was celebrity city with a stream of international guests who had jetted in for the occasion....Also there for the biggest race day of the year were Richard Branson, David Cassidy, Olivia Newton-John and a large number of familiar television and film faces.....Former Partridge Family star David Cassidy was a guest of L'Oreal. Surrounded by minders and interested onlookers he wandered around the Birdcage, soaking up the carnival atmosphere. Although his fans of 20 years ago might not recognise him, Cassidy was as charming as ever, declaring that the years since The Partridge Family days had been kind to him and he was still very much enjoying himself. By Denise Ryan, Denise Gadd
Lip Service column - The Herald Sun
The Herald Sun, Melbourne, by Rachelle Unreich. Rachelle met her childhood idol.
Sydney Herald - David Cassidy

October 27, 2002 David Cassidy. Where : Sydney Entertainment Centre. Bookings through Ticketek 02 9266 4800. When : November 16.
Best loved for his role as Keith in The Partridge Family, David Cassidy in interview mode is so "show biz" it's frightening. And mesmerising. Where does the person end and the act begin? Cassidy has a politician's skill for answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he is asked. An inquiry about how he felt before opening night on his comeback tour was met with a long-winded post-Partridge resume and a few platitudes about love. Alongside Keith Richards, Keith Emerson and Keith Flint, Keith Partridge is one of only a few superstar Keiths in rock and pop. Why so few Keiths, Keith? "I have no idea, mate," Cassidy said. "Unfortunately, Keith (Partridge) died in a terrible accident. He was driving that multi-coloured bus and it went over a cliff. Nice to talk to you. Come and see me when I'm there. Bye."
Citysearch - Editorial Pick
First Australian tour in 25 years for Partridge Family heart-throb.
Citysearch Sydney. "It's taken 30 years for '70s teen idol David Cassidy to come full circle: the former Keith Partridge returned to rock stadia in 2001 after spending his 30s and 40s doing Vegas, Broadway and London's West End. His new album Now and Then mixes later material with re-recorded solo and Partridge Family hits...."
According to C'mon Get Happy, Cassidy's rather downbeat autobiography of '94, he was more inclined towards Jimi Hendrix than the Monkees when his "lucky" TV break chained him to the prefab pop treadmill in the early '70s. He'd sold many millions of records - most of which he hated - when the music biz spat him out, a broken man, after his allotted few years.
Time has evidently healed those wounds. I Think I Love You, I Woke Up In Love This Morning, I'll Meet You Halfway and C'Mon Get Happy all feature on the new record, which is already platinum in the UK.
By Michael Dwyer, Fairfax f2
True Love Never Forgets
From The Age, September 13 2002. So what is he so afraid of? Twenty-eight years ago a 14-year-old Melbourne schoolgirl, Boula Margellis, won a TV competition to meet red-hot pop idol David Cassidy. Little did she know what torment lay in store. After arriving at the hotel with family in toe and numerous Polaroid cameras at the ready, she was told Cassidy was far too busy to keep the appointment and an autographed photo was offered. Tears before bedtime? Oh yes. Ten years ago Cassidy was linked with Boula via satellite on Steve Vizard's Tonight Live. He apologised and promised he would take her for a date when he next came to Australia. That day is now, David, with Cassidy due in the country next week on a promotional visit. Problem: Boula is currently holidaying in Europe, unaware that her former heart-throb is in town and hot to trot. Cassidy will be back for concerts in November, still keen to make amends for that teenage snub almost three heartbreaking decades ago.
By Jonathan Green
Feedback written by Rose and Denise
In response to The Daily Telegraph's article
FEEDBACK for 19.09.2002
From: Rose Cooney
Comment: Dear Daily Telegraph DAVID CASSIDY NOVEMBER DOWN UNDER TOUR 2002 Having read your anti David Cassidy article on the net, I await with interest the outcome of his Down Under tour. I know it was a comparatively shorter break of 15 years away from the UK, but when he returned last November to our shores it was to a totally sold out tour despite the addition of extra standing only tickets at both London shows. He's since been back for a spring tour and two dates in July again sold out and to rave reviews and all of this without the promotional interviews he's giving now in Australia. I sincerely hope I see you eat your words. Kind regards Rose Cooney Kent, UK.
From: Denise Patrick
Comment: Your story sucks ... its obviously written by someone who does know a celebrity when they trip over them. The reporter should do some homework and they would realise how friendly and approachable David is to his fans and others in the industry. David has stood the test of time which is evident by the fact that he has hold 2 sold out tours of the UK, a platinum selling CD as well as pack houses in the US and all this within the last 12 months. I wonder where this reporter will be in 30 years time ... making millions and making people happy like David Cassidy - I think not!!!!
David Cassidy dining with his backing singers at The Venetian restaurant at the Como Centre on Wednesday (Sept 18) night. Cassidy apparently took a shine to Chapel St and was seen on Thursday looking for a suit to wear to the Melbourne Cup when he returns with his band in November
David's back, so c'mon get happy
Herald Sun, Wednesday, September 18, 2002. Partridge Family heart-throb David Cassidy admits he has some strange memories of Australia.
Trouper with a twinge
The West Australian, Friday, September 20, 2002. After four years in the Partridge Family, 10 years in therapy and five years on stage in Las Vegas, you'd expect David Cassidy to be either a very, very nice man, or dead.
He's very, very nice.
Ticking Off from Cassidy
Herald Sun, September 19, 2002. A generous fan of '70s pin-up David Cassidy has learnt a valuable lesson - in the post-September 11 security crackdown, it's probably best not to give a visiting American star a wrapped parcel, especially when it's ticking.
Cassidy Relives Welcome
Sydney Confidential, September 18, 2002. FORMER pop pin-up David Cassidy may have set teeny hearts on fire all those years ago - but he had another burning issue on his mind during a visit to Sydney this week.
The 52-year-old was reunited for the first time with a heroic hotel boss who saved his life in a terrifying blaze back in 1975.
Cassidy Still Thinks He Loves You
From The Australian, dated September18, 2002. It's become his theme song and, 32 years after it was released, David Cassidy says he still never gets tired of singing "I think I love you".
Holden on to David's Aussie Memories
Sunday Telegraph, Sydney. September 15, 2002. The inside of a Holden sedan boot is among the most vivid memories David Cassidy has of his Australian tour almost 28 years ago.
Top of the Pops
The Sun-Herald, Australia. September 15, 2002. David Cassidy is old enough to be a grandfather but he says his female fans still throw underwear on stage. Peter Holmes reports.
Boots 'n' All Star
Sunday Herald Sun, September 15, 2002. Former pop icon David Cassidy has some crazy memories of his last visit to Australia.
Cassidy Leaves Upset Fans Behind
Article appeared in The Courier-Mail.
Former Partridge Son Wins Few Friends
Article appeared September 19, 2002, from Sydney Confidential.
Cassidy Remembers 'World War III'
Article appeared in The Age, dated September 17, 2002.
Competition to meet David backstage
David Cassidy page on TV1. This page had a competition to meet David backstage!! You had to be a subscriber of Foxtel or Austar to enter.
Ticket sales
From the Herald Sun Former teen idol David Cassidy yesterday announced an Australian tour. He plays at Vodafone Arena on November 11. Cassidy, a former Partridge Family member and 1970s heart-throb, is a reborn theatre and musical star.
Tickets for Cassidy's show go on sale on September 6.
Acknowledgement : Many thanks to Denise Patrick, Elfie, Alan Jespersen, Mark Dicks, Karen Findlater, Janet Fife-Yeomans and Jim Salamanis for all these news articles. This archive would not have been possible without you all.