David Cassidy In Print.

David Cassidy In The News

Teenagers Kill LA. Telephones

January 22, 1972

Desert Sun

LOS ANGELES (UPI)-Teen-age girls calling from all over the United States to hear the voices of rock n’ roll singers caused a traffic jam in the telephone circuits Friday that cut off service to several Hollywood exchanges.

The telephone company, dismayed at the avalanche of calls, disconnected the ‘‘teenage hotline.”

A fan magazine for teen-age girls invited them to call the "hotline” number for recorded messages from young singer Donny Osmond, Idol of the bubble gum set, and David; Cassidy, of television’s “The Partridge Family.”

In one 15-minute period, 2,000 calls were recorded, and the glut of incoming calls was sufficient to back up traffic in that exchange and exchanges with similar numbers—with the users of all those phones unable to make or receive calls because their lines registered '“busy,” a spokesman for Pacific Telephone said.

The company pulled the plug. “We were getting upset that so many other customers were being affected,” the spokesman said.

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