David Cassidy Fans.

Fan Tales

My Partridge Family Bus

I read on your website about these Partridge Family toy buses. Way back about 1970 or early 1971, I searched high and low for a toy school bus to paint up to resemble the PF bus, bought some Testor paints and proceeded with my big idea.

The idea was just to give the 'home-made', hand painted bus to David as a gift when I'd see him at Columbia Ranch-I think I must have been all of 13 at the time this big idea hit me. Well, when the paint dried, I took the little bus in a paper bag (how original)to the Ranch and Danny and his mom came driving out and he wanted to see what I had in the bag. I showed him and he wanted it. I could not turn him down so I gave him that bus. The next day I was back at the toy store buying another bus to paint for David.

So, another week went by and back to the Ranch I went and gave David the 2nd bus. As far as I remember, he really liked it a lot.

At some point after this Danny's sister, Cecilia, wrote a little by-line about these buses in one of the teen mags, either 16 magazine or Tiger Beat. I had no clue or idea until this past year that toy Partridge buses were mass produced sometime after this. Now I wonder if my little idea was shown to someone at the studio and they hit on my brainstorm. Could you imagine if I was older and wiser, I could have laid some kind of claim to that idea.

Just wanted to share this very true story with you.


Irene Reid-Orange County , CA.

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