David’s radio interviews

Did you know that there is a radio section on the website?

The radio section contains interviews with David from 1972. We know that there are many more interviews that we don’t have listed. Please consider contributing any recordings you may have. The aim is to make this website as complete a record as possible of David’s life.

David at Radio WLOL in Minneapolis, 1994.

3 thoughts on “David’s radio interviews

  1. I love listening to David’s radio interviews and listen to them very often on the website .Always very interesting conversation of his life as a singer and actor and performer through the years .He was such a down to earth kind of person, listening to those interviews made you feel you were actually in the room with him. I unfortunately have not got any recordings to contribute, but I hope any fans that do share them with us on the website.

  2. Thanks Jane for the reminder.
    I have been going through them gradually, but there are alot of them.

  3. I love these radio interviews —especially the Mark and Brian Christmas Show with Dana Delany in 1990. It is just adorable and David sounds like he’s in such happiness mode. The little piece from Entertainment Tonight on this is just fabulous. Wish there was footage from the entire 15-minute segment. Thank you so much for this expansive archive of David’s life. I can’t even imagine the hours and hours that went into this but I am so grateful for the love that you’ve put into this David Cassidy legacy library.

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