As we mark five years since he died, we continue to feel the loss. David touched countless lives in his lifetime. Today, David’s music, talent and legacy continue to add beauty and joy to our lives.

Some of the ways that fans are remembering David in 2022 include:

David through the decades

David through the decades (1960’s – 2010’s)

34 thoughts on “REMEMBERING DAVID 2022

    • He was my poster on my bedroom wall I was 14 years old! I dreamed of seeing him in concert, and umpteen years later I achieved that, I went to see his once in a life time tour in 2005, was really sad to see his decline! But his beautiful voice was still there!!! Love him, rest in peace David 🕊️

  1. …..we will never ever forget David….my first love….52 years later….his music always takes me back to my happy place…..he wouldn’t want us to be sad….just remember the beautiful memories…..Dave Heron is doing a tribute on Sounds of the Seventies Radio Show on Sunday 20th November 4-6….hope you’s can join in….it’s a Facebook page… love to all David’s fans xx❤️❤️🥰

  2. Five years ago the world prayed for a miracle that never happened. If love could save, you wiould still be here. I miss you my sweetie. You must be so proud of the beautiful tributes you are getting from your fans.
    Blowing kisses up to Heaven 💝

  3. How we wish you were still with us David.
    Our hearts broke that day 5 years ago and
    will never be the same again.
    We loved you then, love you now and will love you forever ❤️
    Always in our hearts
    Barbara and Jackiexxx

  4. Still feels like yesterday and not five years ago. The pain of losing you never gets any easier. I love you David and carry you in my heart forever. Fly high with the angels David my precious beautiful Angel and Happy Trails 😇😇💝💝

  5. Always Missed
    Always Loved
    Forever in My Heart To Day and Always
    Five Years or Fifty Years On I Will Always Remember You
    Love You Forever Jane

  6. Remembering you David 5 years after your passing. I want to pay tribute to the wonderful person you were and your talent which will never be forgotten by your many fans. I have always loved you and always will. xxxx

  7. Remembering you David 5 years after your passing. I want to pay tribute to the wonderful person you were and your talent which will never be forgotten by your many fans. I have always loved you and always will. xxxx

  8. Thanks Jane, & thanks to our darling Dave. Have we got used to your not being here? No. The pain is still there. Most of us were worry & care free in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & so on. As we have gotten older we have all experienced hardship & upset, one of which was losing you. 5 years ago, what can one say. We miss you, your talent, your smiling face. Seen so many things on the telly, YouTube etc that constantly remind me of you. Continue to rest in perfect peace. Lots & lots of love to you David, you made me cry all those years ago. My eyes are still wet with tears on days now. Adeola.

  9. I lit a candle for you today dear David and played your songs and cried listening to them just like I have been since you passed away as they really touch my heart. I prayed for your beautiful soul and wished you were still with us. Miss you and think about you every day. Thank you for bringing so much love, joy and light into our lives. Your beautiful voice and adorable smile will never ever be forgotten. I pray you are resting in peace with your beautiful mother Evelyn and have found your peace with your father Jack. 💛✝

  10. Dear David,
    I can not believe it is already 5 years since you left us.
    But you will Always be in our minds and our hearts and souls.
    I will love and pray for you forever.
    Happy Trails,
    Ilona from Amsterdam.

  11. Saying goodbye is not easy… my poem I wrote for my hometown newspaper five years ago when David left us:

    “I never thought you left so fast
    My heart got broken into a thousand pieces.

    My adolescence of 13 years
    Wanders alone, sad, crying and without direction.

    You, my light. You, my angel
    You, my innocent and pure love
    Wild, insatiable and tender, all in one.

    Your strength, your voice, your charisma
    They will be engraved on me eternally
    Like a Lava river
    Leaves its mark of fire.

    Embraced like this forever
    Among the summits of space and time,
    Until one day….
    We meet again In Heaven 💝”

      • Thank you so much.
        No, he didn”t do any concert in Spain just performed on a TV show. But he did enjoy my country dancing flamenco and skiing. Bless him 💝

  12. Since David left this world isn’t the same anymore. He is missed so much. Comforting that we can see and listen to him day and night, this is what I do. Will always love & cherish him. Thanks for this precious place to remember Darlin‘ David. All the best for his fans around the world.
    Tina Oneinamillion

  13. I wish I had grown up in the seventies. I became a fan much later on. I love watching the old shows and playing his albums. The music and tv was much better back then. Thanks to my aunt for telling me about him.

  14. I started my day out sad. But then I played David’s music and instantly became happy. He was a special person and will be forever missed.

  15. I cherish all the wonderful memories I have of David. It was the best time of my life. I hope he is singing with the angels. Love & Peace to all the fans.

  16. The first time I saw David on TV was on Bonanza. It was love at first sight. I miss his smile and his sweet voice. He could light up a room. It was exciting going to his concerts. I miss those days. God Bless David Cassidy.

  17. david i will forever miss you……your special beautiful talented self will live on in our hearts forever. the records , the memorabilia which is endless,the tv shows you appeared in and of course the pf tv show has left us all still in awe of your beauty and your is still hard to grasp that you were taken from us way to early,5 years bad we cant go back to november 21,1972 when you were young and handsome doing the pf show recording and doing concerts worldwide.we can’t unfortunatly but we can reflect remember and keep your memory alive forever….i love you always for all eternity david!

  18. If David was here today, I would hug him tight and tell him how much his fans admire him. I would tell him he is more than a pretty face. That he is a talented singer, songwriter and actor. That his fans support him in whatever he does. And that we LOVE him. I would tell him he brought us so much joy. And that we never ever want him to feel pain or be unhappy. And if he ever thinks of giving up on his life, his fans will lift him up to see the light and save him. That’s what I would do. If David was here today.

  19. ARACELI SWEETHEART, Happy Birthday for today, the 13th. I haven’t forgotten, I’ve been unfortunately delayed in posting this,(should have posted this a bit earlier I know!). I hope you’ll be able to view this today, & not days later. I hope you are alright Araceli, unfortunately again we’ve not been hearing too good news concerning Spain during these past months. Not really hearing good news about anywhere really! Also, special greetings & concern for Weronika, for all that is going on surrounding you & on your doorstep. If you can let us know that you’re OK!!!!!! Remembering Jack Cassidy on the anniversary of his passing yesterday. Rest in peace Jack, & thank you for creating Lovely David. Love you Dave as always. Adeola.

  20. Hi. I am a little late posting. David I will always love you, the world needs your music more than ever now! Every time I hear you sing, it brings back sweet memories. I love you. GG 💙💚💙💚
    P.S. Hi everyone. Hope you are all ok!

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