Discography David Cassidy

Sondheim A Celebration

Sondheim A Celebration CD cover

Cd cover

There are two discs with each disc containing fifteen songs.

David sang:

'You Could Drive a Person Crazy' (Company, 1971)- together with Patrick and Shaun Cassidy

'Sooner Or Later' (Dick Tracy, 1990)

Patrick Cassidy sang

'Barcelona' (Company, 1970)- with Joely Fisher and 'The Ballad of Booth' (Assassins, 1990)- with Scott Waara


Varese Sarabande Records, Inc. #VSD25820, 1996

David singing Sooner or Later

David singing "Sooner or Later".

This 30 song Double CD was released to raise money for the 1996 Sondheim AIDS Benefit.

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