David Cassidy Concerts.

Concert Reviews

Green Bay, Wisconsin

Oneida Bingo Casino, Green Bay, WI
July 19, 2001

By Dawn

Hi all, not too much time to post, but had to let you all know how wonderful the concert in Green Bay was. I had to work yesterday morning till 10:00, then headed up to Sheboygan to pick-up my mom and sister--this would be their first show--and then up to Green Bay. After eating some food, and watching my mom gamble a bit (she won $100.00) we went to wait in line. The concert was to be held in the outside Pavillion tent next to the casino, so we had to stand in line outside in the hot, humid weather. We got into line at 4:00 pm and began waiting. The concert was sold out and it was a first come first served for seating. By the time the doors were opened at 7:00pm, the line for the show was so long that it actually looped around the lot and ended just about back at the point that it began. Once they opened the doors, everyone started moving very fast and many were running to get into the front rows. I didn't move as quickly as I should have, and we ended up in the third row--not the front but still very good seats. Inside the tent was hotter than it was outside. Finally it was 8:00 and the show began. David did most of the same songs he did at the other shows, except that he did not do Sing Me--which was a bit disappointing. When he returned to the stage after Candice did her song, he returned to the stage late, but he must have been so hot that he return in a nice tight white t-shirt!!!

He ended the concert with the song Hollywood Nights--which sounded really great!! Once again I ended up crying through about 1/2 of the show but the good(?) part was that I was sweating so much you couldn't tell if I was wiping off sweat or wiping away tears!!

Being at this show with my mom and sister really made it special show for me. I was also blessed my meeting several individuals at the show from this list (The David Cassidy chat list on Yahoo! Groups - Editor's remark). The other really neat thing about this show is that David spent some time talking about the Green Bay Packers (our football team) which I have always been a very big fan of. He actually mentioned several of the older players and coaches by name. I was so impressed, and so blissfully happy!! They just don't make talent like David's anymore. Anyway, I got home last night at midnight and wanted to post so badly, but I still had to pack for vacation that the hubby and I were leaving for at 8:00am this morning. Managed to get everything packed, a bit of sleep, and to the airport on time. We spent the day exploring several of the casinos here in Vegas, and since the hubby has fallen asleep, I thought I'd send this out real quick. Well I should get going--feelin a bit tired right now. Hope you all have a great weekend, especially those of you who will be seeing David at the Greek. If it is anything like Green Bay, you are all in for one hell of a treat!!! Oh yeah, the other thing that really made this concert great is that there were no high rollers in the front. It was all David fans from the front row to the back row. We stood up and danced and clapped and yelled and screamed for the whole entire show--sheer bliss


PS And one last thing. David got a bra and a pair of panties thrown up on stage to him. The bra he wrapped around his neck briefly, and the panties had a note about it being some girls birthday, so he wished her a happy birthday and threw his towel out to her and said "Now we can say we exchanged lingerie"

Thank you to Dawn and Erik (David Cassidy Fan Site of Norway).

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