David Cassidy Concerts.

Concert Reviews

David - Pleasing Fans at Pala (Second concert)

October 11, 2003

Story & photos (except for noted otherwise) by Cat Ortiz-White

David reaches out to fans

In between shows I met a fan from L.A. named Doris and chatted a bit with Joyce M. It was WONDERFUL meeting these two very friendly fans and we later hooked up in Orange County where we all attended his concert with the Pacific Symphony.

The 2nd Pala show was better than the first. The sound was better and the fan that had bothered David during the first show was not there. David was in a GREAT MOOD and again, was extremely attentive to the fans. Joyce M. gave David a lovely Lei.

Joyce puts the lei on DavidDavid wearing Joyce's Lei

David, once again "Get's Lei'd" by Joyce M.

I was glad that I had my digital camera as I was asked during the first show not to take photos with "a large camera." So I was very happy I had taken my "small digital camera." As you can see, I got some nice photos of David with Joyce's lei and later sent her some via email and later in person in Orange county. One of the photos was also in the recent "Just David Fan Club" Newsletter too:)

David wearing the leiDavid holding the lei

David, relaxed and happy with the lovely white & purple lei.

For this show, another fan gave him some edible undies with a note that said "Trick or Treat, here's something sweet to eat" and she signed her name. David bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. David was even more attentive to fans at the second show than at the first. He seemed to make sure that every one that came up to the stage was touched at least once if not more.

Fans reach out to DavidDavid reaches out to fans

David and fans "connecting at Pala."

David again talked between the songs a bit. Once again, mentioning lovely Rancho California and breeding race horses. He seemed much more relaxed for this show and it was really wonderful.

Adjusting the microphoneDavid smiling

David, relaxed and happy.

David did "Cherish" and mentioned how it was voted the most requested song on his web site. During this song, quite a few fans came up to give him flowers. Of course David performed "I Think I Love You" before going off stage and again, he was super attentive to all the fans! Below you can see how the stage was the "perfect size" for this "one-on-one" contact.

David and a fanDavid and another fan

Here you can see the size of the stage as fans go up to give David flowers.

One of the songs that David performs is The Beatles song "I Saw Her Standing There" during which the whole crowd, including an older couple got up to swing dance to this number! The photo below even reminds me a bit of a "Beatle Paul" look.

David singing

At the end, David came out for an encore and performed "Hollywood Nights" and ROCKED the crowd! It was definitely a Pleasing Time at Pala!!

Reaching out to fansReaching to fans

Above - Reaching out to the fans.

David with his hand on his heartGuitar solo

Read the review of the first concert at Pala on this same evening.

David Cassidy Downunder Fansite