David Cassidy Concerts.

Concert Review

Keswick Theatre Glenside, PA

October 23, 2010

From February 20th, 1972 to October 23rd, 2010 – a long time to wait to see David. Like so many fans who were told as teens – Nope. Can't go. WELL, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!!!! I was so grateful David kept touring.

The thing that surprised me was the richness of his guitar playing. All fans know he can sing and his voice still sounded fabulous. Heck, let's face it – David could sing the alphabet and we'd say "Terrific!" Seriously, there was this complete comfort level being on that stage. He's been singing and acting for many years and it really communicates to the audience. He was in complete control. David made it all look so easy, so connected to the other musicians, relating to the audience. The professional look and feel to everything seemed physically real – you could sense a strength to it. This guy is no lightweight performer.

The duet from David and Danny was very well done. Danny had really practiced, wanted to do a good job and make David proud of his work. I liked the small theatre especially as a cozy venue to spotlight a true talent in a person-to-person environment. Beau has quite a teacher from whom to learn his craft.

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